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The Board of Visitors of the School of Divinity was established in 1998 as an Advisory Board for volunteer leadership to the Dean and the School of Divinity at Wake Forest University. Members are brought together by their dedication to the advancement of theological education at Wake Forest University. Serving on the Board reflects a strong commitment to the University and the willingness to provide an invaluable service to the School of Divinity.

Mission Statement

Wake Forest University School of Divinity is a graduate,
professional school that is Christian by tradition, Baptist in
heritage, and ecumenical in outlook. Consistent with Wake Forest’s
commitment to academic excellence and in the spirit of the
University motto, Pro Humanitate, the School of Divinity prepares
leaders informed by a theological understanding of vocation.
Through imaginative courses and diverse programs of community
engagement, students are equipped to be agents of justice,
reconciliation, and compassion in Christian churches and other


The Board of Visitors serves to mobilize all alumni and friends in advancing the mission of the School of Divinity. The Board supports the faculty and staff of the School of Divinity in their pursuit of institutional excellence in the education of leaders for the church and the world.

Learn more about the Wake Divinity Board of Visitors

Meeting details will appear in the Member Resources section as they become available.